IDs Please!
Installation on Wall
12 Agust-17 September 2010
Cer Modern, Ankara
Curator: Fırat Arapoğlu
But the new can be the sign of difficult thinking
Susan Sontag
The term “identity” has a function of describing who you are or what you are, and of defining the boundaries of or determining who you are. While it shows at the same time closeness or relationality, the concept of difference describes the state of being different and of being not the same and includes the connotations of dissimilarity, differentiation.
Over-discourses have argued and still they do, that art does not include marginal identity issues such as the contradictions of class, femininity, gayness/lesbianship, migration, ethnic origin. However it is not possible to avoid contradictions of the class. Rather it is necessary to show the necessity to have a disputant art and history of art based upon pluralism and democracy should become argued instead of a hegemonic ideology and uniform discursivity, and also necessary to feed the discussions of “genealogy” and “democracy” accelerated from 1990s onwards within the Contemporary Turkish Art.
It is true that art can not isolate itself from the discussions of identity and that it should assert “identities” first in order to postulate an identity problematic. Only henceforth it can relate with the “Other”.